
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Spiderweb on a yew near the doorway

A natural juxtaposition -- a spiderweb on a yew tree near my door -- captured my attention!
Allowing myself to get caught up in nature at any moment wherever I'm encamped along this earth-journey, I always receive singular messages, lessons and signs, meant just for me, then and there. And new questions often arise for my continuing entertainment and education.

This is a simple yet powerful waking-trance technique that shifts ALL "by just that much" (maybe by only mustard-seed's or butterfly-wing's worth), just by shifting me ever-so slightly. Within city or wilderness, this is healing FUN shamans and children live every day, before and after any community rituals.

Today I noticed the spiderweb on the yew hedge next to the apartment building doorway had survived another down-pouring thunderstorm overnight. I attended this reality with with all my senses, stirring emotions and connotations for a while, generating awe. Then I moved along when my attention shifted again, wondering where the spider -- and my inner creative weaver -- might be hiding.

Was it foolishness that I experienced the whole day nudging towards better-than-expected outcomes?

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